Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pocahontas Childhood

                As a child, most kids find fascinations in the smallest things. Sometimes something can catch their eye and it can alter the way they see life. A child’s mind is like a sponge causing them to retain information based on what they observe around them. That information can either have a positive or negative effect on their lives into adulthood.
                I remember growing up on Disney movies. I watched them all, but there was one that stuck out to me the most. She was different from all the other Disney princesses. She had long, shiny black hair resembling hair on a black stallion that fell down to her tailbone and flowed carelessly in the wind. She liked to be one with nature, having a raccoon and a hummingbird as friends and a wise tree as an older figure. . She had an appreciation for the earth and its animals. With her good heart she thought that every rock, tree, and creature had a life, spirit and name. Her skin was like smooth creamy peanut butter, having no flaws. Her voice was soft and mellow, but when she sung it had a miraculous strength. She didn’t live in a castle, rather a village where her father was chief.  Her name was Pocahontas.
                Pocahontas was my idol. I admired her and wanted to be like her. I wore my hair in long braids because Pocahontas had long black hair. I had goldfish which I took extra care of by giving them names and talking to them every day because that’s what Pocahontas believed. Every night I looked forward to jumping into my big comfortable bed and lying on my linen sheets and pillow looking at the many faces of Pocahontas. Every day was a good day because I went to pre-school with my Pocahontas book bag. Turning five was a good year because I had Pocahontas on my cake.
                I may not have understood back then, but now I realized that Pocahontas instilled good values in me at an early age. As a result it affected my life today. Because I took an interest in caring for the earth like Pocahontas, my mom suggested recycling. As a result our family started recycling and we still continue to do so today. People who have goldfish for pets have to get new ones every few months because they constantly die. Surprisingly, my goldfish lived up to four years because of all my love and attention. I fed them daily, helped clean the aquarium every two weeks, and just converse with them about different topics.
                Being young and living in a generation of Disney movies, all I knew was that they were something I enjoyed. I could never get tired of watching them. As a child, I watched because they are entertaining. Now that I am older I still enjoy watching a child’s movie because they are classics. I also know that a lesson can be learned. When you are young, you can be attracted to a movie but don’t know the true meaning behind it. It is when you are of age and mind you discover the meaning behind that childhood memory.

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